The use of this energy source in microprocessors could be a huge breakthrough for increasing the speed of processors in the devices we use.
We have selected some of the best developments that are set to change essential elements of our society over the coming decade.
The IVAM is inviting us to reflect on how we construct our private and public spaces. Its latest exhibition helps us see that there are many ways of understanding and creating our surroundings
From green labyrinths to greenhouse terraces – we are taking a look at how different cities are trying to avoid COVID-19 outbreaks.
Education is transcending classrooms and making its way into our homes. We’re showing you how design and the way in which a space is organised can contribute to the cognitive development of our little ones
We’ve chosen five examples from architecture and design that based on the Montessori pedagogical approach
Today we are connecting with Lois Guillán, founder of Cucuducho, a project dedicated to the design and manufacture of furniture and toys for children
Today we are sharing five of the best toy and children’s furniture projects inspired by the Montessori Method and created by Cucuducho.
They are some of the biggest names in the design and interior design world, so we have made a list of some of the thoughts shared with us by the professionals that we have interviewed for our CONNECTION WITH…series.
Designers, architects, photographers, editors…We’ve made a list of what inspires 10 professionals that we have interviewed for Connections by Finsa.