Architect@work is the event for innovation in architecture which is reserved for exclusive displays and visitors. Here, we're letting you know about the five trends in the sector the program highlights.
Interview with Manuel Estrada, awarded designer
Check some of the highlights and stories from the sixteenth edition of London Design Festival 2018
Héctor Santos-Díez tiene el don de los buenos fotógrafos de arquitectura que saben trasladarnos la esencia de una obra a través de sus imágenes. Un don y años de oficio a sus espaldas. Hoy nos conecta a su mundo y nos cuenta las claves de un buen reportaje fotográfico de arquitectura.
If you have to stay home this summer, you can still see the world. Switch on your computer and dare to travel via the internet. Heavenly places, historical monuments, the best museums in the world…they are all just a click away. Take a seat and travel from home.