Products and services for the salt-and-pepper crowd

In this article, we are going change the way you see seniors.  Find out how they have managed to generate an economy that revolves exclusively around them – AKA the silver economy – including videogame apps, e-commerce, and solutions for maintaining population levels in rural areas.

E-sports as a cure for loneliness

Lenovo has created the e-sports team Silver Snipers to show how videogames can encourage seniors that live alone to socialise.  The team consists of players aged between 64 and 76 who compete at an international level.


Choose your age

Satchel Paige once asked, “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?”  India-based electronics company Flipkart used this quote as the slogan for their #ChooseYourAge campaign, which is based on the flat age concept, an idea which does away with stereotypes about seniors and their relationship with technology.


Two-for-one: the elderly in rural areas

What if we could use the silver economy to create products and services that help those living in depopulated rural areas? Well, it would be a win-win situation, and there are already pilot programs and forums that have been established to find a solution that combines the two.

Do you want to learn more about the silver economy and its impact on interior design?  If you do, make sure you check out our next post.