Architect@work is the event for innovation in architecture which is reserved for exclusive displays and visitors. Here, we're letting you know about the five trends in the sector the program highlights.
Interview with Manuel Estrada, awarded designer
Héctor Santos-Díez tiene el don de los buenos fotógrafos de arquitectura que saben trasladarnos la esencia de una obra a través de sus imágenes. Un don y años de oficio a sus espaldas. Hoy nos conecta a su mundo y nos cuenta las claves de un buen reportaje fotográfico de arquitectura.
Today we're providing some recommendations for readers that love design, trends, and architecture. And if you still have some time, you can always check out these design documentaries or take a look back at our magazine.
Challenging and stimulating the architects and designers of the future. Encouraging them to discover the use of wood and other sustainable and environmentally-friendly materials in construction. All of these objectives come together in the winning projects from the IFA Awards 2018.
If you're already on holidays or if you're making plans for August, we want to help you figure out how to fill up that spare time. How about a movie session based on our favourite topics? Today we are providing some recommendations for the cinephiles that revolve around the design world.
Materials research is constantly evolving. In a society which is becoming more technically advanced, innovative materials that challenge design are emerging. To make research and the adaptation of materials to projects easier, materials libraries where you can find everything you need, were born.
The Espacio y Materia season, organised by Téctonica at Finsa21, has come to an end. And it certainly went out with a bang, with Torre de Bilbao and Torre 30, whose restoration programs were led by Antonio Ruíz Barbarín.
Today we are chatting to Ángela García de Paredes and Ignacio Pedrosa, has been invited to exhibit their work at the the Architecture Biennale.
Architect Carlos Arroyo championed sustainable and flexible architecture which is changing to adapt to the demands of a new society.